Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11
Volviendo a las raíces: cómo crear fotos estroboscópicas a partir de vídeos digitales
(Cornell University, 2019)
Mostramos aquí cómo crear a partir de filmaciones digitales usando el conocido software
Tracker fotos estroboscópicas con el objetivo de analizar distintos tipos de movimientos.
La ventaja de este procedimiento es que ...
Video-based analysis of the transition from slipping to rolling
(Cornell University, 2019)
The problem of a disc or cylinder initially rolling with slipping on a surface and subsequently transitioning to
rolling without slipping is often cited in textbooks [1-2]. Students struggle to qualitatively understand ...
Análisis de un oscilador no lineal utilizando el método de Euler en una planilla de cálculo
(Sociedad Mexicana de Física, 2019-07-01)
Se analizan teórica y experimentalmente las oscilaciones unidimensionales no lineales
de un imán que está unido a un resorte e interactúa con un grupo de imanes. Se
resuelve numéricamente la ecuación de movimiento del ...
Normal coordinates in a system of coupled oscillators and influence of the masses of the springs
(Cornell University, 2020-07-02)
Experimental analysis of the motion in a system of two coupled oscillators
with arbitrary initial conditions was performed and the normal coordinates were
obtained directly. The system consisted of two gliders moving on ...
How far away is infinity? An electromagnetics exercise to develop intuition regarding models
(IOP Publishing, 2021-06-07)
The estimation of the electric field in simple situations provides an
opportunity to develop intuition about the models used in physics. We propose an
activity aimed at university students where the electric field of a ...
When the Quarter Jumps into a Cup (and When It Does Not)
(American Association for Physics Teachers (AAPT), 2022-01-31)
While Bernoulli’s equation is one of the most frequently mentioned topics in physics literature and other means of dissemination, it is also one of the least understood. Oddly enough, in the wonderful book Turning the World ...
Students’ conceptual difficulties in hydrodynamics
(American Physical Society, 2017)
We describe a study on the conceptual difficulties faced by college students in understanding
hydrodynamics of ideal fluids. This study was based on responses obtained in hundreds of written exams
complemented with several ...
El campo magnético de una carga en movimiento como ejemplo didáctico de aplicación de la corriente de desplazamiento
(Latin American Physics Education Network, 2013-03)
En este artículo se deduce la expresión del campo magnético generado por una partícula cargada en movimiento a partir
de la ley de Ampère-Maxwell, demostrándose que dicho campo se puede modelar como generado por una ...
Electromagnetic field presented in introductory physics textbooks and consequences for its teaching
(American Physical Society, 2023-08-17)
Textbooks play a fundamental role in teaching and learning in school science classrooms. In this paper,
we investigate the presentation of the nature of the electromagnetic field in a dozen of the world’s most
popular ...
Learning difficulties among students when applying Ampére-Maxwell’s law and its implications for teaching
(American Physical Society, 2024)
We investigate learning difficulties among second-year students in electromagnetism courses when they
apply Amp`ere-Maxwell’s law. Using phenomenography, we analyzed written answers from 65 undergraduate physics students ...