• Promotion of Remote Experimentation in Three Latin American Countries 

      Arguedas-Matarrita, Carlos; Montero-Miranda, Eric; Lizano-Sánchez, Fiorella; Varela, Gabriela; Maeyoshimoto, Jorge Esteban; Medina, Gabriel; Idoyaga, Ignacio; Universidad Estatal a Distancia, San José, Costa Rica; Universidad Estatal a Distancia, San José, Costa Rica; Universidad Estatal a Distancia, San José, Costa Rica; ANEP Consejo de Formación en Educación; Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad de Buenos Aires (Springer, 2022-10-14)
      This paper presents the first results of the diagnosis of a project that seeks to promote the development and use of Remote Laboratories in Argentina, Costa Rica and Uruguay. In the current context, educational institutions ...